Stop Smoking

Bien que la volonté soient au rendez-vous, le manque reste difficile à supporter. Les fleurs de Bach peuvent être une méthode efficace pour dépasser ce stade de la dépendance psychique, en dépassant ces émotions désagréables. Les fleurs de Bach est une béquille naturelle qui accompagne celles et ceux qui souhaitent arrêter de fumer en toute sérénité.( stress, de nervosité, d'irritabilité, parfois de colère, de manque de confiance en soi, de culpabilité, d'idées obsédantes)

This personalised Bach Flower blend helps to
Savoir dire non à ses pulsions
Ne pas s'énerver
Avoir un esprit calme et serein
Garder la volonté à toute épreuve
Être courageux, même dans les moments les plus durs
Garder confiance en soi, en ses choix
Ne pas oublier son objectif
Être moins irritable
Rester patient

All our blends are made from ALCOHOL-FREE Bach Flowers.
Shake well before use to remove air from the codigout.

- 30ml bottle: 3 weeks on average.
- 50ml bottle: 5 weeks on average.

Dosage (Men / Women / Children)
- 4 drops, 4 times a day in the mouth.
- I recommend taking your mixture especially in the morning when you get up and in the evening when you go to bed, and during the day as needed.

Dosage (Infants)
- Bach Flower Remedies can be given to babies safely and with excellent results. Bach Flower Remedies for babies are chosen in exactly the same way as for adults.
- The dosage is also the same as for adults: 2 drops prepared with boiled water for babies given in milk, water or fruit juice. If the mother is breastfeeding her baby, she only needs to take the personalised or customised mixture. The dose should be repeated 4 times a day until the child's emotional state is balanced.

Dosage (Animals)
- Bach Flower Remedies can be given to animals safely and with excellent results. Bach Flower Remedies for animals are chosen in exactly the same way as for humans.
- 10 drops per day in a large bowl of water for larger animals (dogs, cats, horses...)
- 2 drops for smaller animals (birds, hamsters, mice...)
- It is very important to be attentive to your animal, to pay more attention to it during the whole period of accompaniment.
- In the most difficult moments of the day for your pet (before leaving home, when you feel anxious...), you can combine the personalised mixture with a small treat.

For optimal conservation of your mixture, you can place it at the bottom of your refrigerator. Avoid contact with any electronic object that produces waves: microwaves, mobile phones, computers, TV, etc.

Dynamised spring water, stabiliser: maple syrup extract (0.5%), ALCOHOL-FREE Bach Flower extracts : AGRIMONY - CRAB APPLE - HOLLY - IMPATIENS - PINE - STAR OF BETHLEHEM - WILD ROSE

Consumer Information
Manufacturer: SAS VELBECIA
33113 Saint-Symphorien (France)
Distributor: Martin Sellier